Activation-Free Sulfonyl Fluoride Probes for Fragment Screening


SuFEx chemistry is based on the unique reactivity of the sulfonyl fluoride group with a range of nucleophiles. Accordingly, sulfonyl fluorides label multiple nucleophilic amino acid residues, making these reagents popular in both chemical biology and medicinal chemistry applications. The reactivity of sulfonyl fluorides nominates this warhead chemotype as a candidate for an external, activation-free general labelling tag. Here, we report the synthesis and characterization of a small sulfonyl fluoride library that yielded the 3-carboxybenzenesulfonyl fluoride warhead for tagging tractable targets at nucleophilic residues. Based on these results, we propose that coupling diverse fragments to this warhead would result in a library of sulfonyl fluoride bits (SuFBits), available for screening against protein targets. SuFBits will label the target if it binds to the core fragment, which facilitates the identification of weak fragments by mass spectrometry.
Keywords: chemical probecovalent fragmentelectrophilic warheadfragment screeningsulfonyl fluoridetargeted covalent inhibitor


Petri, László ; Ábrányi-Balogh, Péter ; Csorba, Noémi ; Keeley, Aaron ; Simon, József ; Ranđelović, Ivan ; Tóvári, József ; Schlosser, Gitta ; Szabó, Dániel ; Drahos, László et al.

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MOLECULES 28 : 7 Paper: 3042 , 17 p. (2023)