Unveiling the Oxazolidine Character of Pseudoproline Derivatives by Automated Flow Peptide Chemistry
Pseudoproline derivatives such as Thr(ΨPro)-OH are commonly used in peptide synthesis to reduce the likelihood of peptide aggregation and to prevent aspartimide (Asi) formation during the synthesis process. In this study, we investigate notable by-products such as aspartimide formation and an imine derivative of the Thr(ΨPro) moiety observed in flow peptide chemistry synthesis. To gain insight into the formation of these unexpected by-products, we design a series of experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate the oxazolidine character of the pseudoproline moiety and provide plausible mechanisms for the two-way ring opening of oxazolidine leading to these by-products. In addition, we present evidence that Asi formation appears to be catalyzed by the presence of the pseudoproline moiety. These observed side reactions are attributed to elevated temperature and pressure; therefore, caution is advised when using ΨPro derivatives under such harsh conditions. In addition, we propose a solution whereby thermodynamically controlled Asi formation can be kinetically prevented.
Keywords: pseudoproline; automated flow peptide synthesis; oxazolidine ring opening; aspartimide
Szebasztián Szaniszló , Antal Csámpai , Dániel Horváth , Richárd Tomecz , Viktor Farkas , András Perczel
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2024) 25(8), 4150