The Biotechnology Pillar carries out diagnostic, therapeutic and technological developments. We are developing a laboratory-based (RT-real-time PCR) system and a point-of-care (RT-LAMP and CRISPR/Cas13a-based) test procedure for the DNA/RNA-based detection of pathogens. With the recombinant polymerases developed, we will have a general method that can be rapidly adapted to any new pathogen by designing pathogen-specific primers. On the one hand, our therapeutic solutions will focus on the complement system, which plays a key role in pathogen killing. Through directed evolution, we are developing pathway- or pathogen-specific molecules that promote the elimination of the pathogen or the infected cell without causing a life-threatening cytokine storm. On the other hand, we aim to develop human neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, created by molecular biology and recombinant protein production from the white blood cells (memory B cells) of people recovering from a disease. From the technological point of view, we aim to produce these biologics by stable, fed-batch cultivation of bacterial and mammalian cell lines. In order to increase the concentration of living cells and the quality of the protein product, we aim to test the effect of various media additives and biologically active natural compounds. Efficient, protein-expressing cell lines will be generated using CRISPR to produce biologics and diagnostic protein molecules. In-line monitoring and control of parameters critical for productivity and product quality will also be implemented. After developing the upstream processes, we aim to process the cell culture fluid from the bioreactors and develop innovative downstream methods.