
The main objectives of the Neuropharmacology Pillar are to conduct research on inflammatory and degenerative mechanisms in the nervous system, synthesis and development of new molecules, exploitation of new indications for existing drugs, development of screening tests in translational models, human MR biomarker research and research on methodologies for processing clinical samples and data related to this disease group. Research will be focused on three key areas. The design, synthesis and complex efficacy studies of TRPA1 agonists/antagonists represent a very promising new drug development direction in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. P2Y12 receptor research in animal models of brain diseases, using state-of-the-art techniques in drug discovery and neurobiology, is designed to develop novel therapeutic approaches in neurodegenerative and inflammatory brain diseases that selectively target microglial P2Y12 receptors. The third research line aims to develop complex translational studies of synergistic therapies in animal models.