The mutagenic consequences of defective DNA repair


Multiple separate repair mechanisms safeguard the genome against various types of DNA damage, and their failure can increase the rate of spontaneous mutagenesis. The malfunction of distinct repair mechanisms leads to genomic instability through different mutagenic processes. For example, defective mismatch repair causes high base substitution rates and microsatellite instability, whereas homologous recombination deficiency is characteristically associated with deletions and chromosome instability. This review presents a comprehensive collection of all mutagenic phenotypes associated with the loss of each DNA repair mechanism, drawing on data from a variety of model organisms and mutagenesis assays, and placing greatest emphasis on systematic analyses of human cancer datasets. We describe the latest theories on the mechanism of each mutagenic process, often explained by reliance on an alternative repair pathway or the error-prone replication of unrepaired, damaged DNA. Aided by the concept of mutational signatures, the genomic phenotypes can be used in cancer diagnosis to identify defective DNA repair pathways.

Németh E; Szüts D 

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Release details

DNA REPAIR 139 (2024) 103694